Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hard Punch

You know the old adage, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Take French Impressionist Edouard Manet, who painted them. Okay, you may not be artistic, but you can still create your own sweet solution. Mike's Hard Lemonade Company is going to help you do just that with their Hard Punch Rocks Sweepstakes. Click the orange pick on the entry page to get your cap code. The grand prize is a trip for 4 to your choice of London, L.A., or New York, or you can opt for $12,000 in cash. That's plenty for your Parisian paradise, provided you don't live in CA, UT, or PR where rockers aren't eligible. Squeeze those lemons and enter.

VoilĂ  - the link to Mike's Hard Punch Rocks Sweepstakes:

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